High Availbility

OS & Virtualization

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Understanding Query Paths

Operations that Retrieve Rows (Access Paths)

As I mentioned earlier, some operations retrieve rows from data sources, and in those cases, the object_name column shows the name of the data source, which can be a table, a view, etc. However, the optimizer might choose to use different techniques to retrieve the data depending on the information it has available from the database statistics. These different techniques that can be used to retrieve data are usually called access paths, and they are displayed in the operations column of the plan, usually enclosed in parenthesis.
Below is a list of the most common access paths with a small explanation of them (source). I will not cover them all because I don’t want to bore you ðŸ˜‰ . I’m sure that after reading the ones I include here you will have a very good understanding of what access paths are and how they can affect the performance of you queries.

Full Table Scan

A full table scan reads all rows from a table, and then filters out those rows that do not meet the selection criteria (if there is one). Contrary to what one could think, full table scans are not necessarily a bad thing. There are situations where a full table scan would be more efficient than retrieving the data using an index.

Table Access by Rowid

A rowid is an internal representation of the storage location of data. The rowid of a row specifies the data file and data block containing the row and the location of the row in that block. Locating a row by specifying its rowid is the fastest way to retrieve a single row because it specifies the exact location of the row in the database.
In most cases, the database accesses a table by rowid after a scan of one or more indexes.

Index Unique Scan

An index unique scan returns at most 1 rowid, and thus, after an index unique scan you will typically see a table access by rowid (if the desired data is not available in the index). Index unique scans can be used when a query predicate references all of the columns of a unique index, by using the equality operator.

Index Range Scan

An index range scan is an ordered scan of values, and it is typically used when a query predicate references some of the leading columns of an index, or when for any reason more than one value can be retrieved by using an index key. These predicates can include equality and non-equality operators (=, <. >, etc).

Index Full Scan

An index full scan reads the entire index in order, and can be used in several situations, including cases in which there is no predicate, but certain conditions would allow the index to be used to avoid a separate sorting operation.

Index Fast Full Scan

An index fast full scan reads the index blocks in unsorted order, as they exist on disk. This method is used when all of the columns the query needs to retrieve are in the index, so the optimizer uses the index instead of the table.

Index Join Scan

An index join scan is a hash join of multiple indexes that together return all columns requested by a query. The database does not need to access the table because all data is retrieved from the indexes.

Operations that Manipulate Data

As I mentioned before, besides the operations that retrieve data from the database, there are some other types of operations you may see in an execution plan, which do not retrieve data, but operate on data that was retrieved by some other operation. The most common operations in this group are sorts and joins.


A sort operation is performed when the rows coming out of the step need to be returned in some specific order. This can be necessary to comply with the order requested by the query, or to return the rows in the order in which the next operation needs them to work as expected, for example, when the next operation is a sort merge join.


When you run a query that includes more than one table in the FROM clause the database needs to perform a join operation, and the job of the optimizer is to determine the order in which the data sources should be joined, and the best join method to use in order to produce the desired results in the most efficient way possible.
Both of these decisions are made based on the available statistics.
Here is a small explanation for the different join methods the optimizer can decide to use:
Nested Loops Joins
When this method is used, for each row in the first data set that matches the single-table predicates, the database retrieves all rows in the second data set that satisfy the join predicate. As the name implies, this method works as if you had 2 nested for loops in a procedural programming language, in which for each iteration of the outer loop the inner loop is traversed to find the rows that satisfy the join condition.
As you can imagine, this join method is not very efficient on large data sets, unless the rows in the inner data set can be accessed efficiently (through an index).
In general, nested loops joins work best on small tables with indexes on the join conditions.
Hash Joins
The database uses a hash join to join larger data sets. In summary, the optimizer creates a hash table (what is a hash table?) from one of the data sets (usually the smallest one) using the columns used in the join condition as the key, and then scans the other data set applying the same hash function to the columns in the join condition to see if it can find a matching row in the hash table built from the first data set.
You don’t really need to understand how a hash table works. In general, what you need to know is that this join method can be used when you have an equi-join, and that it can be very efficient when the smaller of the data sets can be put completely in memory.
On larger data sets, this join method can be much more efficient than a nested loop.
Sort Merge Joins
A sort merge join is a variation of a nested loops join. The main difference is that this method requires the 2 data sources to be ordered first, but the algorithm to find the matching rows is more efficient.
This method is usually selected when joining large amounts of data when the join uses an inequality condition, or when a hash join would not be able to put the hash table for one of the data sets completely in memory.Undes


Saturday, August 31, 2019

Response-Time Analysis Made Easy

System-Level Response-Time Analysis

 DBAs typically want answers to these questions:
  • In general, how well is my database running? What defines efficiency?
  • What average response time are my users experiencing?
  • Which activities affect overall response time the most?

1) how well, in general, a database is running can be obtained by issuing this query in Oracle Database 10g:
select  METRIC_NAME,
where   METRIC_NAME IN ('Database CPU Time Ratio',
                        'Database Wait Time Ratio') AND
        INTSIZE_CSEC = 
        (select max(INTSIZE_CSEC) from SYS.V_$SYSMETRIC); 

METRIC_NAME                         VALUE
------------------------------ ----------
Database Wait Time Ratio                6
Database CPU Time Ratio                94

You can also take a quick look over the last hour to see if the database has experienced any dips in overall performance by using this query:
select  end_time,
from    sys.v_$sysmetric_history
where   metric_name = 'Database CPU Time Ratio'
order by 1;

END_TIME                  VALUE
-------------------- ----------
22-NOV-2004 10:00:38         98
22-NOV-2004 10:01:39         96
22-NOV-2004 10:02:37         99
22-NOV-2004 10:03:38        100
22-NOV-2004 10:04:37         99
22-NOV-2004 10:05:38         77
22-NOV-2004 10:06:36        100
22-NOV-2004 10:07:37         96
22-NOV-2004 10:08:39        100

And, you can get a good idea of the minimum, maximum, and average values of overall database efficiency by querying the V$SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY view with a query such as this:
            WHEN 'SQL Service Response Time' then 'SQL Service Response Time (secs)'
            WHEN 'Response Time Per Txn' then 'Response Time Per Txn (secs)'
            ELSE METRIC_NAME
            END METRIC_NAME,
                CASE METRIC_NAME
            WHEN 'SQL Service Response Time' then ROUND((MINVAL / 100),2)
            WHEN 'Response Time Per Txn' then ROUND((MINVAL / 100),2)
            ELSE MINVAL
            END MININUM,
                CASE METRIC_NAME
            WHEN 'SQL Service Response Time' then ROUND((MAXVAL / 100),2)
            WHEN 'Response Time Per Txn' then ROUND((MAXVAL / 100),2)
            ELSE MAXVAL
            END MAXIMUM,
                CASE METRIC_NAME
            WHEN 'SQL Service Response Time' then ROUND((AVERAGE / 100),2)
            WHEN 'Response Time Per Txn' then ROUND((AVERAGE / 100),2)
            ELSE AVERAGE
            END AVERAGE
where   METRIC_NAME in ('CPU Usage Per Sec',
                      'CPU Usage Per Txn',
                      'Database CPU Time Ratio',
                      'Database Wait Time Ratio',
                      'Executions Per Sec',
                      'Executions Per Txn',
                      'Response Time Per Txn',
                      'SQL Service Response Time',
                      'User Transaction Per Sec')

METRIC_NAME                       MINIMUM    MAXIMUM    AVERAGE
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------
CPU Usage Per Sec                       0          7          1
CPU Usage Per Txn                       1         29          8
Database CPU Time Ratio                61        100         94
Database Wait Time Ratio                0         39          5
Executions Per Sec                      2         60          8
Executions Per Txn                     16        164         41
Response Time Per Txn (secs)            0        .28        .08
SQL Service Response Time (sec          0          0          0
User Transaction Per Sec                0          1          0

DBA will then want to know what types of user activities are responsible for making the database work so hard.

select  case db_stat_name
            when 'parse time elapsed' then 
                'soft parse time'
            else db_stat_name
            end db_stat_name,
        case db_stat_name
            when 'sql execute elapsed time' then 
                time_secs - plsql_time 
            when 'parse time elapsed' then 
                time_secs - hard_parse_time
            else time_secs
            end time_secs,
        case db_stat_name
            when 'sql execute elapsed time' then 
                round(100 * (time_secs - plsql_time) / db_time,2)
            when 'parse time elapsed' then 
                round(100 * (time_secs - hard_parse_time) / db_time,2)  
            else round(100 * time_secs / db_time,2)  
            end pct_time
(select stat_name db_stat_name,
        round((value / 1000000),3) time_secs
    from sys.v_$sys_time_model
    where stat_name not in('DB time','background elapsed time',
                            'background cpu time','DB CPU')),
(select round((value / 1000000),3) db_time 
    from sys.v_$sys_time_model 
    where stat_name = 'DB time'),
(select round((value / 1000000),3) plsql_time 
    from sys.v_$sys_time_model 
    where stat_name = 'PL/SQL execution elapsed time'),
(select round((value / 1000000),3) hard_parse_time 
    from sys.v_$sys_time_model 
    where stat_name = 'hard parse elapsed time')
order by 2 desc;

DB_STAT                          TIME_SECS       PCT_TIME
-----------------------------    ---------       --------
sql execute elapsed time         13263.707       45.84                                 
PL/SQL execution elapsed time    13234.738       45.74                                 
hard parse elapsed time           1943.687        6.72                                  
soft parse time                    520.584         1.8

It's much easier to tell now that the bulk of overall wait time is due, for example, to user I/O waits than to try to tally individual wait events to get a global picture. As with response-time metrics, you can also look back in time over the last hour with a query like this one:
select  to_char(a.end_time,'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS') end_time,
        round((a.time_waited / 100),2) time_waited 
from    sys.v_$waitclassmetric_history a,
        sys.v_$system_wait_class b
where   a.wait_class# = b.wait_class# and
        b.wait_class != 'Idle'
order by 1,2;

-------------------- --------------- -----------
22-NOV-2004 11:28:37 Application               0
22-NOV-2004 11:28:37 Commit                  .02
22-NOV-2004 11:28:37 Concurrency               0
22-NOV-2004 11:28:37 Configuration             0
22-NOV-2004 11:28:37 Network                 .01
22-NOV-2004 11:28:37 Other                     0
22-NOV-2004 11:28:37 System I/O              .05
22-NOV-2004 11:28:37 User I/O                  0

You can, of course, just focus on a single SID with the V$SESS_TIME_MODEL view and obtain data for all statistical areas of a session. You can also view current session wait activity using the new wait classes using the following query:
select  a.sid,
        round((a.time_waited / 100),2) time_waited_secs
from    sys.v_$session_wait_class a,
        sys.v_$session b
where   b.sid = a.sid and
        b.username is not null and
        a.wait_class != 'Idle'
order by 5 desc;

--- ---------- --------------- ----------- ----------------
257 SYSMAN     Application          356104            75.22
255 SYSMAN     Commit                14508            25.76
257 SYSMAN     Commit                25026            22.02
257 SYSMAN     User I/O              11924            19.98

you can use the following query. In the example below, we're looking at activity from midnight to 5 a.m. on November 21, 2004, that involved user I/O waits:
select  sess_id,
        round(100 * (sess_time / total_time),2) pct_time_waited
(select a.session_id sess_id,
        decode(session_type,'background',session_type,c.username) username,
        a.program program,
        b.name wait_event,
        sum(a.time_waited) sess_time
from    sys.v_$active_session_history a,
        sys.v_$event_name b,
        sys.dba_users c
where   a.event# = b.event# and
        a.user_id = c.user_id and
        sample_time > '21-NOV-04 12:00:00 AM' and 
        sample_time < '21-NOV-04 05:00:00 AM' and
        b.wait_class = 'User I/O'
group by a.session_id,
(select sum(a.time_waited) total_time
from    sys.v_$active_session_history a,
        sys.v_$event_name b
where   a.event# = b.event# and
        sample_time > '21-NOV-04 12:00:00 AM' and 
        sample_time < '21-NOV-04 05:00:00 AM' and
        b.wait_class = 'User I/O')
order by 6 desc;

------- -------- ---------- ------------------------- ---------- -------------
    242 SYS      exp@RHAT9K db file scattered read       3502978         33.49
    242 SYS      oracle@RHA db file sequential read      2368153         22.64
    242 SYS      oracle@RHA db file scattered read       1113896         10.65
    243 SYS      oracle@RHA db file sequential read       992168          9.49

The Oracle Database 10g V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY view comes into play here to provide an insightful look back in time at session experiences for a given time period. This view gives you a lot of excellent information without the need for laborious tracing functions. We'll see more use of it in the next section, which deals with analyzing the response times of SQL statements.
SQL Response-Time Analysis
Examining the response time of SQL statements became easier in Oracle9i, and with Oracle Database 10g, DBAs have many tools at their disposal to help them track inefficient database code.
Historically the applicable V$ view here has been V$SQLAREA. Starting with Oracle9i, Oracle added the ELAPSED_TIME and CPU_TIME columns, which have been a huge help in determining the actual end user experience of a SQL statement execution (at least, when dividing them by the EXECUTIONS column, which produces the average amount of time per execution).
In Oracle Database 10g, six new wait-related and timing columns have been added to V$SQLAREA:
The new columns are helpful in determining, for example, the amount of time that a procedure spends in PL/SQL code vs. standard SQL execution, and if a SQL statement has experienced any particular user I/O waits. For example, a query you could use to find the top five SQL statements with the highest user I/O waits would be:
select *
(select sql_text,
from    sys.v_$sqlarea
order by 5 desc)
where rownum < 6;

------------------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------------
select /*+ rule */ bucket db78fxqxwxt7     47815369   19000939            3423
SELECT :"SYS_B_0" FROM SY agdpzr94rf6v     36182205   10170226            2649
select obj#,type#,ctime,m 04xtrk7uyhkn     28815527   16768040            1345
select grantee#,privilege 2q93zsrvbdw4     28565755   19619114             803
select /*+ rule */ bucket 96g93hntrzjt      9411028    3754542             606
Of course, getting the SQL statements with the highest elapsed time or wait time is good, but you need more detail to get to the heart of the matter—which is where the V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY view again comes into play. With this view, you can find out what actual wait events delayed the SQL statement along with the actual files, objects, and object blocks that caused the waits (where applicable).
For example, let's say you've found a particular SQL statement that appears to be extremely deficient in terms of user I/O wait time. You can issue the following query to get the individual wait events associated with the query along with the corresponding wait times, files, and objects that were the source of those waits:
select event,
from    sys.v_$active_session_history a,
        sys.dba_objects b 
where   sql_id = '6gvch1xu9ca3g' and
        a.current_obj# = b.object_id and
        time_waited <> 0;

EVENT                     TIME_WAITED OWNER  OBJECT_NAME           file  block
------------------------- ----------- ------ --------------------- ---- ------
db file sequential read         27665 SYSMAN MGMT_METRICS_1HOUR_PK    3  29438
db file sequential read          3985 SYSMAN SEVERITY_PRIMARY_KEY     3  52877
Of course, you can use V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY in a historical fashion to narrow down unoptimized SQL statements for a particular time period. The point is that Oracle Database 10g makes it a lot easier to conduct response-time analysis on SQL statements with simplified data dictionary views, as opposed to the time-consuming trace-and-digest method.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Managing, Optimizing Very Large Databases (VLDBs)

Space management
  • Bigfile Tablespaces
  • Leveraging data compression
  • Using temporary tablespaces effectively
  • Implementing partitioning for easy data management
  • Making the right choices for partitioned indexes (especially global vs. local)
  • Sizing adequate system global area (SGA), program global area (PGA), and other memory components
    •  V$MEMORY_TARGET_ADVICE ,V$SGA_TARGET_ADVICE and V$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE) Enabling parallelism to take advantage of multiple CPUs
For Backup

  • Configure fast incremental backups using the block change tracking (BCT) feature

Patching Exadata

Exadata Storage Servers are patched using the  patchmgr  utility.

Current image info: we gathered this info by running imageinfo -v on each node including cells

root>dcli -g /opt/oracle.SupportTools/onecommand/dbs_group -l root "imageinfo | grep 'Image version'"   --> for db nodes
root>dcli -g /opt/oracle.SupportTools/onecommand/cell_group -l root "imageinfo | grep 'Image version'"  --> for cell nodes

SSH equivalency : We checked the ssh equivalency,
dcli -g cell_group -l root 'hostname -i'

checked our exachk version using "exachk -v" and we checked if it is in the most up-to-date version..

Downloading the new Image files
downloaded and unzipped patch files should belong to root user..

Running Patchmgr Precheck
(first for Cells, then for Dbs, lastly for Infiniband Switches
 # ./patchmgr -cells cell_group -patch_check_prereq -rolling

Upgrading  Database Nodes : (must be executed from node 1 for upgrading node 2 and from node 2 for upgrading node 1,

# ./patchmgr -dbnodes dbs_group -upgrade -log_dir auto -target_version -iso_repo .zip   (approx: 1 hour)

--upgrading image of db node 1
# ./patchmgr -dbnodes dbs_group -upgrade -log_dir auto -target_version -iso_repo .zip (approx: 1 hour)
Approx Duration : 10 mins per db.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Technique of Processing Big Data

Typical Data centre with Hadoop

  • tool designed to transfer data between Hadoop and relational databases or mainframes

  • $ sqoop list –databases –connect jdbc:mysql://database.test.com/

  • high level scripting language
  • run on client 
  • simple SQL-like scripting language is called Pig Latin
  • Uses
    • ETL data pipeline
    • Research on raw data
    • Iterative processing.

  • high level abstraction of map reduce
  • turn hiveql queries into mapreduce jobs
  • SQL like language
  • Hive makes analysis of   data stored in Hadoop easier and more productive than by writing MapReduce code
  • HiveQL statements are interpreted by Hive. Hive then produces one or more MapReduce jobs, and then submits them for execu>on on the Hadoop cluster.
    • Analyzing the relatively static data
    • Less Responsive time
    • No rapid changes in data.
  • similar to HiveQL
  • runs on hadoop cluster
  •  Impala is meant for interactive computing. Hive is more batch processing

Real time data to HDFS

Apache Flume is a system used for moving massive quantities of streaming data into HDFS.

Apache Spark is a fast, in-memory data processing engine with elegant and expressive development APIs to allow data workers to efficiently execute streaming, machine learning or SQL workloads that require fast iterative access to datasets