High Availbility

OS & Virtualization

Monday, October 29, 2012

Format Oracle OCFS Drive

Offline cfs drive. Need to offline the drive before you can format it

  1. c:\> ocfsutil /c offlinevol /m X:

To format cfs on O drive

  1. create a drive letter O in the windows
  2. C:\oracle\1020\crs\cfs>ocfsformat /m o: /c 1024 /v data /f

Check ocr status

  1. ocrcheck

To do a manual export ocr

  1. ocrconfig -export <backup_file_name>

To import from the backup

  1. stop crs service first
  2. create an empty file data.ocr
  3. ocrconfig -import <OCR export_filename>

Add ocr disk

  1. create an empty file first
  2. ocrconfig -replace mirror x:\cdata\orange_cluster\data.ocr

Remove ocr disk

  1. ocrconfig -replace ocr

Query voting disk

  1. C:\>crsctl query css votedisk
    0.     0    J:\cdata\orange_cluster\votedsk

Add voting disk

  1. create the directory first
  2. c:\> crsctl add css votedisk J:\cdata\orange_cluster\votedsk -force  

Delete voting disk

  1. stop the crs service before deleting voting disk
  2. crsctl delete css votedisk <VOTEDISK_LOCATION> -force

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