High Availbility

OS & Virtualization

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

All About Explain Plan


The EXPLAIN PLAN statement displays execution plans chosen by the Oracle optimizer for SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements. A statement's execution plan is the sequence of operations Oracle performs to run the statement.


In addition to running the EXPLAIN PLAN command and displaying the plan, you can use the V$SQL_PLAN views to display the execution plan of a SQL statement:

Using Explain Plan
  • EXPLAIN PLAN FOR   SELECT last_name FROM employees;

About Autotrace

  1. cd $oracle_home/rdbms/admin

  2. log into sqlplus as system

  3. run SQL> @utlxplan

  4. run SQL> create public synonym plan_table for plan_table

  5. run SQL> grant all on plan_table to public

  6. exit sqlplus and cd $oracle_home/sqlplus/admin

  7. log into sqlplus as SYS

  8. run SQL> @plustrce

  9. run SQL> grant plustrace to public


You can control the report by setting the AUTOTRACE system variable.
  • SET AUTOTRACE ON EXPLAIN - The AUTOTRACE report shows only the optimizer execution path. 
  • SET AUTOTRACE ON STATISTICS - The AUTOTRACE report shows only the SQL statement execution statistics.  
  • SET AUTOTRACE ON  - The AUTOTRACE report includes both the optimizer execution path and the SQL statement execution statistics.  
  • SET AUTOTRACE TRACEONLY - Like SET AUTOTRACE ON, but suppresses the printing of the user's query output, if any. 

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