High Availbility

OS & Virtualization

Friday, December 19, 2008

How to Run a Batch File Before Logging on to Your Computer

Windows server can be configured to run a startup script that is a batch file, VB script. The AutoExnt utility is included in the Resource Kit so that this functionality is available.

The AutoExNT service permits an administrator to configure a Windows 2000-based computer to run a custom batch file when first starting the computer. Also, a user or administrator is not required to be logged on at the time this custom batch file runs.


Installing the AutoExNT Service

  1. Using a text editor (such as Notepad), create a batch file named Autoexnt.bat and include the commands you want to run at startup in this file.
  2. Copy the Autoexnt.bat file you just created, in addition to the Autoexnt.exe, Servmess.dll, and Instexnt.exe files located in the Resource Kit CD-ROM to the %SystemRoot%\System32 folder on your computer.
  3. At a command prompt, type instexnt install, and then press ENTER.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

simpleBack - GUI Oracle Rman Backup tool

Update ** VRMAN backup tools
New version of oracle rman backup. Support compressed backup, controlfile backup and archivelog backup.

SimpleBack is a GUI for Oracle Rman backup.

Tradtionally backing up Oracle database is difficult as you either require to know Rman command or purchase 3rd party software. You can use 3rd party software like Veritas or Arcserve bu they are not cheap.

SimpleBack change it all. Just select the option from the radio button and click run. It will generate rman scripts and backup your oracle database. It's that easy! This is a free tool for all to share. Tested on Oracle 10g. (should work on Oracle 9i)

  • Backup Full : Backup the whole database
  • List Backup : List all the backups (including datbase, archivelog and controlfile)
  • Delete Backup : Delete all the obsolete backup , based on the retention policy
  • Restore Full : Perform a complete recovery.
  • Where does the backup location set?
    Default location of Oracle 10g is on flash_recovery_area. You can manually set it using Rman command
  • Why can't I do a backup?
    Did you set your database in archivelog mode? Backup are perform using online backup, thus you need to set it to archivelog mode.
  • How do I change the retention policy?
    You have to change it using the rman command. By default it is set to 1 day.

simpleBack - GUI Oracle Rman Backup tool

SimpleBack is a GUI for Oracle Rman backup. Just select the option from the radio button and click run. It will generate rman scripts and backup your oracle database. It's that easy! This is a free tool for all to share. Tested on Oracle 10g. (should work on Oracle 9i)

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Oracle Application Server Troublshooting

Oracle Application Server 10g offers a comprehensive solution for developing, integrating, and deploying your enterprise's applications, portals, and Web services.

Each application server can support up to 70 concurrent users.

This service is used to give access to remote administration of the app server via a web browser interface on port 1810. While this service is running, you can point a browser to the URL
http://[appserver]:1810 and you will be asked to log in. The default login and password for that connection are ias_admin‟

This is the master service that controls all the other services needed by the application server. This service is more of a shell for the other services such as the HTTP_Listener, the OC4J servers, etc. To monitor what this service is actually running, you use the „opmnctl‟ utility from the command line.

The opmnctl utility is located on the application server in the \oracle\10gappr2\opmn\bin directory. This utility can be used to view what processes are currently being managed by the Oracle10gappr2ProcessManager service

Report Queue Manager
Print jobs processed from thin-client sessions can be managed using the Oracle Report Queue Manager utility. From any workstation access the URL -
http://[appserver]/reports/rwservlet/showjobs?server=rep[appserver]orcl -

Other user commands

> rwdiag -findall
> rwserver server=rep[servername]

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Boot and run Linux from a USB flash memory stick

Boot and run Linux from a USB flash memory stick

Carry a portable Linux version with you on a USB flash pen drive. Easily bring your portable desktop with you wherever you go. I have managed to do so, so can you.

USB Feather Linux Prerequisites:

  • 128MB or larger USB pen drive
  • Feather Linux
  • HP USB tool (for formatting the stick)
  • Syslinux

The Feather USB Installation Process:

  1. Download the HP USB tool and format your stick with the tool using a FAT file system.
  2. Download the Feather Linux zip file.
  3. Extract the files from feather-0.7.4-usb.zip to your USB stick.
  4. Download and extract syslinux.zip to a directory on your computer.
  5. Run the command prompt in windows (start/run/cmd) and CD to the syslinux directory. Once there simply type syslinux.exe F: (F: being the example drive letter of the USB stick in this system)
    Reboot your PC, go into your system BIOS and set your boot order to boot from any selectable USB device. (example USB_ZIP or USB_HDD)
    Save your BIOS settings. On the next reboot, you should have a sucessful launch of Feather Linux from USB

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Understanding Statspack

This section shows a great deal of information, in a very small amount of space. We can see how much REDO is generated on average every second and for every transaction. Here, I can see that I generate about 5 to 6 KB of redo per second. My average transaction generates just 13 KB of redo. The next bit of information has to do with logical and physical I/O. I can see here that about 1 percent of my logical reads resulted in physical I/O – that is pretty good. I can also see that on average, my transactions perform almost 4,000 logical reads. Whether that is high or not depends on the type of system you have.
In my case, there were some large background jobs executing, so a high read count is acceptable.
Now for the really important information: my parse-related statistics. Here I can see that I do about 16 parses per second and about 0.17 of those are hard parses (SQL that never existed before). Every six
seconds or so, my system is parsing some bit of SQL for the very first time. That is not bad. However, I would prefer a count of zero in this column in a finely tuned system that has been running for a couple of days. All SQL should be in the shared pool after some point in time.

The next section in the above shows us some interesting numbers. The % Blocks Changed per Read shows us that in this case, 99 percent of the logical reads we do are for blocks that are only read, not updated. This system updates only about 1 percent of the blocks retrieved. The Recursive Call % is very high – over 97 percent. This does not mean that 97 percent of the SQL executed on my system is due to 'space management' or parsing. If you recall from our analysis of the raw trace file earlier from SQL_TRACE, SQL executed from PL/SQL is considered 'recursive SQL'. On my system, virtually all work is performed using PL/SQL, other than mod_plsql (an Apache web server module) and an occasional background job, everything is written in PL/SQL on my system. I would be surprised if the Recursive Call % were low in this case.
The percentage of transactions that rolled back (Rollback per transaction %)is very low, and that is a good thing. Rolling back is extremely expensive. First, we did the work, which was expensive.
Then, we undid the work and again, this is expensive. We did a lot of work for nothing. If you find that most of your transactions roll back, you are spending too much time doing work and then immediately undoing it. You should investigate why you roll back so much, and how you can rework your application to avoid that. On the system reported on, one out of every 345 transactions resulted in a
rollback – this is acceptable.

In my mind, the most important ratios are the parse ratios – they get my attention immediately. The soft parse ratio is the ratio of how many soft versus hard parses we do. 99 percent of the parses on this system are soft parses (reused from the shared pool). That is good. If we see a low soft parse ratio, this would be indicative of a system that did not use bind variables. I would expect to see a very high ratio in this field regardless of tools or techniques used. A low number means you are wasting resources and introducing contention. The next number to look at is the Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd. Here, I show about 88 percent. This is a little low; I should work on that. In this case for every CPU second spent parsing we spent about 1.13 seconds wall clock time. This means we spent some time waiting for a resource – if the ratio was 100 percent, it would imply CPU time was equal to elapsed time and we processed without any waits. Lastly, when we look at Non-Parse CPU, this is a comparison of time spent doing real work versus time spent parsing queries. The report computes this ratio with round(100*(1- PARSE_CPU/TOT_CPU), 2). If the TOT_CPU is very high compared to the PARSE_CPU (as it should be), this ratio will be very near 100 percent, as mine is. This is good, and indicates most of the work performed by the computer was work done to execute the queries, and not to parse them.
All in all, in looking at the above section, my recommendation would be to reduce the hard parses even further. There obviously are a couple of statements still not using bind variables somewhere in the system (every six seconds a new query is introduced). This in turn would reduce the overall number of parses done because a hard parse has to perform a lot of recursive SQL itself. By simply removing a single hard parse call, we'll reduce the number of soft parses we perform as well. Everything else in that section looked acceptable. This first section we just reviewed is my favorite part of the StatsPack report, at a glance it gives a good overview of the relative 'health' of your system. Now, onto the rest of the report:

This little snippet gives us some insight into our shared pool utilization. The details shown above are:
❑ Memory Usage – The percentage of the shared pool in use. This number should stabilize in mid-70 percent to less than 90 percent range over time. If the percentage is too low, you are wasting memory. If the percentage is too high, you are aging components out of the shared pool, this will cause SQL to be hard parsed if it is executed again. In a right-sized system, your shared pool usage will stay in the 75 percent to less than 90 percent range.

❑ SQL with executions>1 – This is a measure of how many SQL statements were found in
the shared pool that have been executed more than once. This number must be considered carefully in a system that tends to run in cycles, where a different set of SQL is executed during one part of the day versus another (for example, OLTP during the day, DSS at night).
You'll have a bunch of SQL statements in your shared pool during the observed time that were not executed, only because the processes that would execute them did not run during the period of observation. Only if your system runs the same working set of SQL continuously will this number be near 100 percent. Here I show that almost 80 percent of the SQL in my shared pool was used more than once in the 13 minute observation window. The remaining 20 percent was there already probably – my system just had no cause to execute it.

❑ Memory for SQL w/exec>1 – This is a measure of how much of the memory the SQL you
used frequently consumes, compared to the SQL you did not use frequently. This number will in general be very close to the percentage of SQL with executions greater than one, unless you have some queries that take an inordinate amount of memory. The usefulness of this particular value is questionable.
So, in general you would like to see about 75 to 85 percent of the shared pool being utilized over time in a steady state. The percentage of SQL with executions greater than one should be near 100 percent if the time window for the StatsPack report is big enough to cover all of your cycles. This is one statistic that is affected by the duration of time between the observations. You would expect it to increase as the amount of time between observations increases.

Friday, July 04, 2008

How to create PLSQL webservice

How to create PLSQL webservice

Required Software

Generating webservice ear

  1. Create a config.xml file
    class="com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerDataSource" name="OracleDS" location="jdbc/OracleCoreDS" xa-location="jdbc/xa/OracleXADS" ejb-location="jdbc/OracleDS" connection-driver="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" username="store"
    url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:ORCL" inactivity-timeout="30"/>

  2. Run the following command
    set JAVA_HOME=c:\j2sdk1.4.2_06set
    set CLASSPATH=.;%ORACLE_HOME%\webservices\lib\wsdl.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\lib\xmlparserv2.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\soap\lib\soap.jar
    call %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -jar %ORACLE_HOME%\webservices\lib\WebServicesAssembler.jar -config .\config.xml

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Flash Recovery usiing Image Copy

Flash Recovery using Image Copy
Image Copy
Oracle RMAN image copies are exact copies of the datafiles, with all the blocks—used or not. Oracle RMAN takes this image copy while the database is up and running, and the database need not be put into any special mode.
Here is how to make an Oracle RMAN image copy backup:
run {
   backup as copy
   database; }

Instant Recovery
Image copies in the FRA become truly useful when you need an "instant recovery." Remember that these image copies are copies of the datafiles—a fact recorded in the Oracle RMAN catalog and the control file. In case of a disaster, you don't need to restore the file; you can use the copy as the principal datafile immediately.
Here is the description of the recovery process, assuming that the USERS tablespace has been damaged: First, check the file ID (number) and name of the datafile of the tablespace. The output is shown in vertical format:
select file_id, file_name  from dba_data_files 
where tablespace_name  = 'USERS'; 
FILE_ID : 4 NAME    : /home/oracle/oradata/PRODB2/users01.dbf 
RMAN> sql 'alter tablespace users offline';
 sql statement: alter tablespace users offline 
RMAN> switch datafile 4 to copy;
 datafile 4 switched to datafile copy "/home/oracle/FRA/PRODB2/datafile/o1_mf_users_2kmqr57t_.dbf" 
RMAN> recover datafile 4;
 Starting recover at 26-SEP-06 using channel ORA_DISK_1
 starting media recovery media recovery complete,
 elapsed time: 00:00:03
 Finished recover at 26-SEP-06  
RMAN> sql 'alter tablespace users online';
 sql statement: alter tablespace users online

Even though the datafile has been quickly brought online to minimize downtime, it is now in the backup location, which may be on slower disks than what the main database is on. You may not want to run the database with the datafile at this location for long; you would typically want to move the datafile back to the original location—/home/oracle/oradata/PRODB2/—as soon as it becomes available. You can use Oracle RMAN to accomplish this. Here is a summary of the steps:
1. Make an image copy of the datafile at the original location. 2. Take the tablespace offline. 3. Switch the datafile to the "copy" (however, in this case, the "copy" is at the original location). 4. Recover the tablespace. 5. Place the tablespace online.
These steps are presented in Listing 4. After the switchover, you can make sure the datafile is back in its original location:
select name from v$datafile  where file# = 4;
   NAME ---------------------------------------
RMAN> backup as copy datafile 4 format '/home/oracle/oradata/PRODB2/users01.dbf';
   Starting backup at 27-SEP-06 using channel
 ORA_DISK_1 channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile
 copy input datafile fno=00004 name=/home/oracle/FRA/PRODB2/datafile/o1_mf_users_2kmqr57t_.dbf
 output filename=/home/oracle/oradata/PRODB2/users01.dbf
 tag=TAG20060927T103710 recid=45 stamp=602246230 channel
 ORA_DISK_1: datafile copy complete,
 elapsed time: 00:00:01
 Finished backup at 27-SEP-06
   Starting Control File Autobackup at 27-SEP-06 piece handle=/home/oracle/FRA/PRODB2/autobackup/2006_09_27/ o1_mf_n_602246232_2ko34s42_.bkp comment=NONE 
Finished Control File Autobackup at 27-SEP-06 RMAN> sql 'alter tablespace users offline'; ... 
RMAN> switch datafile 4 to copy;   datafile 4 switched to datafile copy "/home/oracle/oradata/PRODB2/users01.dbf"  
RMAN> recover datafile 4; ... 
RMAN> sql 'alter tablespace users online'; ... 
In case of a failure, you save valuable time by quickly using the image copy of the datafile in the FRA, and there is no need to restore it first. The same concept can be applied to the entire database as well. If the original location of all the datafiles is damaged, you can easily switch the entire database to the copy stored in the FRA. To switch to the FRA copy, issue the following, which directs the whole database to use all the latest image copies in the FRA location as its datafiles: 
RMAN> switch database to copy;  

Recover database after disk loss

Control Files

Normally, we have multiplexing of controlfiles and they are expected to be placed in different disks.
If one or more controlfile is/are lost,mount will fail as shown below:
ORA-00205: error in identifying controlfile, check alert log for more info
**If at least one copy of the controlfile is not affected by the disk failure, 
   When the database is shutdown cleanly:
   (a) Copy a good copy of the controlfile to the missing location
   (b) Start the database 
   Alternatively, remove the lost control file location specified in the nit parameter control_files and start the database.
   **If all copies of the controlfile are lost due to the disk failure, then: Check for a backup controlfile. Backup controlfile is normally taken using either of the following commands:
   (a) SQL> alter database backup controlfile to '/backup/control.ctl';
    -- This would have created a binary backup of the current controlfile --
    -->If the backup was done in binary format as mentioned above, restore the file to the lost controlfile locations using OS copying utilities.
    --> SQL> startup mount;
    --> SQL> recover database using backup controlfile;
    --> SQL> alter database open;
   (b) SQL> alter database backup controlfile to trace;
    -- This would have created a readable trace file containing create controlfile script --
    --> Edit the trace file created (check user_dump_dest for the location) and retain the SQL commands alone. Save this to a file say cr_ctrl.sql
è      Run the script

Redo logs

In normal cases, we would not have backups of online redo log files. But the inactive logfile changes could already have been checkpointed on the datafiles and even archive log files may be available.
     ORA-00313: open failed for members of log group 1 of thread 1
     ORA-00312: online log 1 thread 1: '/ORACLE/ORADATA/H817/REDO01.LOG'
     ORA-27041: unable to open file
     OSD-04002: unable to open file
     O/S-Error: (OS 2) The system cannot find the file specified.
** Verify if the lost redolog file is Current or not.
     SQL> select * from v$log;
     SQL> select * from v$logfile; 
     --> If the lost redo log is an Inactive logfile, you can clear the logfile:
     SQL> alter database clear logfile GROUP 1;
     Alternatively, you can drop the logfile if you have atleast two other logfiles:
     SQL> alter database drop logfile group 1;
     --> If the logfile is the Current logfile, then do the following:
     SQL> recover database until cancel;
     SQL>alter database open resetlogs;
If the database is in noarchivelog mode and if ORA-1547, ORA-1194 and ORA-1110 errors occur, then you would have restore from an old backup and start the database.
Note that all redo log maintenance operations are done in the database mount state

Parameter file

This is not a major loss and can be easily restored. Options are:
1.       If there is a backup, restore the file
2.       If there is no backup, copy sample file or create a new file and add the required parameters. Ensure that the parameters db_name, control_files,vdb_block_size, compatible are set correctly
3.    If the spfile is lost, you can create it from the init parameter file

Flash Recovery using Image Copy

Flash Recovery using Image Copy

Image Copy
Oracle RMAN image copies are exact copies of the datafiles, with all the blocks—used or not. Oracle RMAN takes this image copy while the database is up and running, and the database need not be put into any special mode.
Here is how to make an Oracle RMAN image copy backup:

run {
   backup as copy
   database; }

Instant Recovery 

Image copies in the FRA become truly useful when you need an "instant recovery." Remember that these image copies are copies of the datafiles—a fact recorded in the Oracle RMAN catalog and the control file. In case of a disaster, you don't need to restore the file; you can use the copy as the principal datafile immediately.  
Here is the description of the recovery process, assuming that the USERS tablespace has been damaged: First, check the file ID (number) and name of the datafile of the tablespace. The output is shown in vertical format:

 select file_id, file_name from dba_data_files where tablespace_name = 'USERS';
FILE_ID : 4 NAME : /home/oracle/oradata/PRODB2/ users01.dbf

 RMAN> sql 'alter tablespace users offline';
sql statement: alter tablespace users offline
RMAN> switch datafile 4 to copy;
datafile 4 switched to datafile copy "/home/oracle/FRA/PRODB2/datafile/o1_mf_users_2kmqr57t_.dbf"
RMAN> recover datafile 4;
Starting recover at 26-SEP-06 using channel ORA_DISK_1 starting media recovery media recovery complete, elapsed time: 00:00:03 Finished recover at 26-SEP-06
RMAN> sql 'alter tablespace users online'; sql statement: alter tablespace users online


Even though the datafile has been quickly brought online to minimize downtime, it is now in the backup location, which may be on slower disks than what the main database is on. You may not want to run the database with the datafile at this location for long; you would typically want to move the datafile back to the original location—/home/oracle/oradata/PRODB2/—as soon as it becomes available. You can use Oracle RMAN to accomplish this. Here is a summary of the steps: 

1. Make an image copy of the datafile at the original location.
2. Take the tablespace offline.
3. Switch the datafile to the "copy" (however, in this case, the "copy" is at the original location).
4. Recover the tablespace.
5. Place the tablespace online. 

These steps are presented in Listing 4. After the switchover, you can make sure the datafile is back in its original location: 

select name from v$datafile  where file# = 4;
NAME ---------------------------------------
RMAN> backup as copy datafile 4 format '/home/oracle/oradata/PRODB2/users01.dbf';
Starting backup at 27-SEP-06 using channel ORA_DISK_1 channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile copy input datafile fno=00004 name=/home/oracle/FRA/PRODB2/datafile/o1_mf_users_2kmqr57t_.dbf output filename=/home/oracle/oradata/PRODB2/users01.dbf tag=TAG20060927T103710 recid=45 stamp=602246230 channel ORA_DISK_1: datafile copy complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01 Finished backup at 27-SEP-06 Starting Control File Autobackup at 27-SEP-06 piece handle=/home/oracle/FRA/PRODB2/autobackup/2006_09_27/ o1_mf_n_602246232_2ko34s42_.bkp comment=NONE Finished Control File Autobackup at 27-SEP-06 RMAN> sql 'alter tablespace users offline'; ... RMAN> switch datafile 4 to copy; datafile 4 switched to datafile copy "/home/oracle/oradata/PRODB2/users01.dbf" RMAN> recover datafile 4; ... RMAN> sql 'alter tablespace users online'; ...
In case of a failure, you save valuable time by quickly using the image copy of the datafile in the FRA, and there is no need to restore it first. The same concept can be applied to the entire database as well. If the original location of all the datafiles is damaged, you can easily switch the entire database to the copy stored in the FRA. To switch to the FRA copy, issue the following, which directs the whole database to use all the latest image copies in the FRA location as its datafiles: 
RMAN> switch database to copy;  

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

All About Explain Plan


The EXPLAIN PLAN statement displays execution plans chosen by the Oracle optimizer for SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements. A statement's execution plan is the sequence of operations Oracle performs to run the statement.


In addition to running the EXPLAIN PLAN command and displaying the plan, you can use the V$SQL_PLAN views to display the execution plan of a SQL statement:

Using Explain Plan
  • EXPLAIN PLAN FOR   SELECT last_name FROM employees;

About Autotrace

  1. cd $oracle_home/rdbms/admin

  2. log into sqlplus as system

  3. run SQL> @utlxplan

  4. run SQL> create public synonym plan_table for plan_table

  5. run SQL> grant all on plan_table to public

  6. exit sqlplus and cd $oracle_home/sqlplus/admin

  7. log into sqlplus as SYS

  8. run SQL> @plustrce

  9. run SQL> grant plustrace to public


You can control the report by setting the AUTOTRACE system variable.
  • SET AUTOTRACE ON EXPLAIN - The AUTOTRACE report shows only the optimizer execution path. 
  • SET AUTOTRACE ON STATISTICS - The AUTOTRACE report shows only the SQL statement execution statistics.  
  • SET AUTOTRACE ON  - The AUTOTRACE report includes both the optimizer execution path and the SQL statement execution statistics.  
  • SET AUTOTRACE TRACEONLY - Like SET AUTOTRACE ON, but suppresses the printing of the user's query output, if any. 

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

How to bypass Oracle installer check

Is there a way to get Oracle10g installed on other linux not specified in the pre-requities list?

<< ./runInstaller Starting Oracle Universal Installer... Checking installer requirements... Checking operating system version: must be redhat-2.1, UnitedLinux-1.0 or redhat-3 Failed <<<< ./runInstaller -ignoreSysPrereqs

Friday, May 23, 2008

OraPerf : Oracle Free Performance Monitor

Some of the program I did during my free time. This is a the first program in Visual Basic Express using Oracle connection string.

Most Oracle DBA have to face question like
  • In general, how well is my database running? What defines efficiency?
  • What average response time are my users experiencing?
  • OraPerf is a little tool which captures Oracle database information such as session and memory usage. It is based on Oracle 10g Dynamic views V$. The information will be update every seconds.


    Update :
    • Include response time metrics
    Get it from CNET Download.com!

    Monday, May 12, 2008

    Oracle Wait Interface v$view

    Oracle Wait Interface

    Oracle Wait Interface has had the following four V$ views :


    For 10g

    Oracle Database 10g Release 1 introduces the following new views to display wait information from several perspectives:



    It is a reference view that contains all the wait events defined for your database instance

    select event#, name, parameter1, parameter2, parameter3 from v$event_name order by name;


    The V$SESSION_WAIT view provides detailed information about the event or resource that each session is waiting for. This view contains only one row of information per session, active or inactive, at any given time. Unlike the other views, this view displays session-level wait information in real time.


    The V$SYSTEM_EVENT displays aggregated statistics of all wait events encountered by all Oracle sessions since the instance startup. It keeps track of the total number of waits, total timeouts, and time waited for any wait event ever encountered by any of the sessions.

    select b.class, a.*, c.startup_time
    from v$system_event a,
    v$event_name b,
    v$instance c
    where a.event = b.name
    order by b.class, a.time_waited;


    The V$SESSION_EVENT view contains aggregated wait event statistics by session for all sessions that are currently connected to the instance. This view contains all the columns present in the V$SYSTEM_EVENT view and has the same meaning, but the context is session-level. It keeps track of the total waits, time waited, and maximum wait time of each wait event by session.

    break on sid skip 1 dup
    col sid format 999
    col event format a39
    col username format a6 trunc
    select b.sid,
    substr(b.program,18),b.username) username a.event,
    from v$session_event a, v$session b
    where b.sid = a.sid + 1

    order by 1, 6;

    Wednesday, April 09, 2008

    Steps of recovering database using Rman from a barebone system. (ie you have lost everything). This is tested on Oracle 10g database.

    For setting up Rman, you should set controlfile autobackup on.

    Before you do this, you need to create the oradata and admin (bdump, cdump...) directories.

    C:\>rman target /
    connected to target database: orcl2 (not mounted)

    RMAN> set dbid=632410335
    RMAN> startup nomount;
    RMAN> set controlfile autobackup format for device type disk to 'c:\backup\%F';
    RMAN> restore spfile from autobackup;
    RMAN> restore controlfile from autobackup;
    RMAN> startup force mount;
    RMAN> restore database;
    RMAN> recover database;
    RMAN> alter database open resetlogs;

    Thursday, March 20, 2008

    Oracle Import Export GUI Tools

    Check out this tool "OraExport" which allow you to export Oracle data using a GUI interface. It generate a oracle export script and run it. This tool is especially useful to those Oracle DBA who often transfer data objects between Oracle database.

    Oracle newbie may also find it is very easy to Export/Import data objects with this tool even without typing an Export/Import parameter.
    This is a free tool to share.

    Related link on Oracle exp
    Get it from CNET Download.com!

    Friday, March 07, 2008

    Oracle High Availability Solutions

    Oracle provides four popular high availability solutions:
    • Oracle Advanced Replication
    • Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC)
    • Oracle Data Guard (physical/logical standby database)
    • Oracle Streams

    Advanced Replication

    Replication is the process of copying and maintaining database objects, such as tables, in multiple database that make up a distributed database system. Changes applied at one site are captured and stored locally before being forwarded and applied at each of the remote locations.

    Replication supports a variety of applications that often have different requirements. Some applications allow for relatively autonomous individual materialized view sites. Other applications require data on multiple servers to be synchronized in a continuous, nearly instantaneous manner to ensure that the service provided is available and equivalent at all times.

    Real Application Clusters (RAC)

    Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) allows multiple instances accessing a single database. The typical installation involves a cluster of nodes with access to a set of shared disks.

    Data Guard

    Oracle Data Guard is the management, monitoring, and automation software that work with a production database and one or more standby databases to protect data against failures, errors, and corruption that might otherwise destroy your database.


    Oracle Streams enables you to share data and events in a stream. The stream can propagate this information within a database or from one database to another. The stream routes specified information to specified destinations.

    Using Oracle Streams, you control what information is put into a stream, how the stream flows or is routed from database to database, what happens to events in the stream as they flow into each database, and how the stream terminates.

    Thursday, January 17, 2008

    Oracle Streams setup

    Streams is basically a queuing technology.

    Here is how I get started. You can use Oracle 10g Enterprise Manager to create a schema level stream but apparently it has some bugs and work only on the later version.

    Login as stradmin

    This is a simple example of streaming data (one way) from source schema to target schema
    1. run @startup.sql
    2. On the source database , turn on supplemental logging for table or database:
      ALTER TABLE scott.dept ADD SUPPLEMENTAL LOG GROUP dept_pk(deptno) ALWAYS;
      alter database add supplemental log data (primary key, unique index) columns;
    3. export schema from the source database.
      exp USERID=SYSTEM/manager@rep2 OWNER=SCOTT FILE=scott.dmp LOG=exportTables.log OBJECT_CONSISTENT=Y STATISTICS = NONE
    4. import schema into target database.
    5. run @startup.sql

    Tuesday, January 15, 2008

    How to move an Oracle Forms application from Windows to Linux

    Log-in access as the "oracle" user

    1. Create a staging directory where the application source files (FMB, MMB, PLL, OLB) can be stored permanently or temporarily. This directory will also be where the compiled executables (FMX, MMX, PLX) will be created. For example:
      mkdir /u02/oracle/ias904_mid/forms90/myApplication
    2. Copy/transfer all of the Forms components which make up the application to the directory created in step 2. These will include FMB, MMB, PLL and OLB files.
      IMPORTANT: Unix is a case sensitive operating system. Be sure that any references to files within your application have been corrected to match files on the new file system. This will usually impact references to image (icon) files, other forms, menus, and libraries.
      Copy/transfer all other application files as needed. These files may include custom resource (.res), image or custom JARs files. These files will need to be placed in specific locations based on how you developed the application. IMPORTANT: If transferring using FTP, all files must be transferred in binary mode.
    3. Open a shell session.
    4. Set the ORACLE_HOME variable and point it to the Application Server installation. Be sure to use the appropriate syntax for the particular shell you are using. For example in csh the command would look something like this:
      export ORACLE_HOME=/u02/oracle/ias904_mid
    5. Set the FORMS90_PATH variable to the directory which was created in step 2. For example:
      export FORMS90_PATH=/u02/oracle/ias904_mid/forms90/myApplication
      Additional variables may be necessary or desired based on your needs and system configuration. Here are a few examples:
      In most cases, setting these will not be necessary if you use the provided script (.sh file) noted in the next step.
      When compiling a Forms application it is important to understand the application. Most important is to understand the dependencies which may exist between components. In other words, for example you will not be able to compile an FMB if it has a dependant PLL which has not yet been compiled. In most cases the order in which compiling should occur is as follows:
      There are exceptions, but this will work in most cases.
    6. Using the compiler, generate "X" files for all of the application's binaries (PLL, MMB, FMB). The command will be something like the following:

      f90genm.sh module=myForm module_type=form compile_all=yes userid=scott/tiger@orcl

      Other possible module_type values:

    How to add icons into Forms 10g using JAR

    Icon image files can either be retrieved by Forms as individual files on the
    filesystem or from a Java Archive (JAR file). If an application uses lots of
    icon images it is recommended that they are stored in a JAR file to reduce the
    number of HTTP round trips.

    Steps to achieve this in a 9iDS/10gDS environments and are given below:

    Oracle 9iDS/10gDS (Forms Builder / Runtime)

    This example assumes an install of 9iDS/10gDS on a MS Windows.

    1. Copy all the icons files (gif or jpg) to a folder e.g c:\icons folder
    2. Open up a MS Dos/ Command prompt window
    3. Change to the target icons folder
      cd c:\icons
      and jar the icon files
      jar -cvf icons.jar *
    4. Copy icons.jar to \forms90\java
      Copy icons.jar to \forms\java
    5. Changes have to be made in formsweb.cfg
      a) archive_jini=xxall_jinit.jar,icons.jar
      b) imageBase=codeBase
      This signifies that the jar file is placed under the forms90/java or forms/java