6.0 on the NT platform
Set-up Procedure
- Add the Reports Server to the network configuration file.
Add a line of the following form to
ORACLE_HOME/net80/admin/tnsnames.ora:= ( ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL=TCP) (HOST= ) (PORT= ))
whereis the name of the Reports Multi-Tier Server instance. If you are using a sqlnet.ora file and default_domain is specified, remember to fully qualify the Reports Multi-Tier Server TNS name with the default domain. For example, if the default_domain is world, the repserver.world would be a valid TNS name. is the IP-adress or the hostname of the Application Server machine, and is the port number to which the Reports Multi-Tier Server is listening (such as, 1949). - Install the Reports Multi-Tier Server as a NT-service
Run the following command to install the RMTS as a service (Start - Run):
rwmts60 -installtcpip - Verify the settings of the service
For the Reports Multi-tier server to run properly, it must have access to printers. Note that by default, the SYSTEM user does not have access to printers. Therefore, you must either set up a separate user to run the Reports Server or give the SYSTEM user access to printers. Since the latter can prove difficult, it is best to set up a separate user to run the Reports Server. In order to change the start-up account of the service, go to the Control Panel - Services.
Look for the entry "Oracle Reports Server." Click on Startup. From this startup dialog, select "This Account" on the Log On As section, and type in your operating system username and password. This specifies that the Reports Multi-tier Server is run as you. In addition, you can also set the service to be started automatically (when the system is booted up) or manually. If you install the service to run under a user other than SYSTEM, make sure that the user account:
· Has the Password Never Expires option selected in the User Manager. · Has membership in the appropriate groups to run the Reports Multi-tier Server and access to the report files. · Has at least print permission to a default printer. · Can log on to a service. Go to Administration Tools User Manager, Policies, User Rights. Check Show Advanced User Rights; choose Log on a Service, and click the Add button. - Starting/Monitoring/Stopping the service
To start the service, go to the Control Panel, Services, and select the service, optionally enter command line arguments in Startup Parameters, and click on the Start button. If the service fails to start, check the Reports Server logfile for more information. The file is ORACLE_HOME\report60\ server\.log.
In order to see if your Reports Server is running, simply go to Task manager, Processes, and check to see if the process ‘rw60mts.exe’ is listed.
To stop the service, go to the Control Panel, Services, and select the service. Click on the Stop button. - The Reports Server Configuration file
A configuration file is created when the Reports Multi-tier Server is first started. The file is ORACLE_HOME\report60\server\.ora. Note that if you manually edit the file, the changes are not picked up by the Reports Multi-Tier Server until you shut it down and restart it. The four optional server command line arguments (minengine, maxengine, initengine, and maxidle) can be specified in the Startup Parameters in the Control Panel Services window to override the settings in the configuration file.
So for the set-up, you can repeat steps 2 through 6 to set up and run multiple Reports Multi-tier Servers on one machine. Make sure that you specify different port numbers.
NOTE: To uninstall the Reports Multi-tier Server service, go to the Control Panel, Services and stop the service. Then run the following command line:
rwmts60 -uninstall
NOTE: When running the Reports Server as a service, there is a known problem with Windows NT not sending report output to mail (DESTYPE=MAIL). Microsoft plans to fix this in Microsoft Exchange Server 5.0. In the meantime, you can get around this problem by running the Reports Server not a service.
2.2.2 Installing the Reports Server as a non-service
- Be sure the PATH contains ORACLE_HOME/bin.
Go to the Control Panel, System. and verify the value of the system variable PATH contains the ORACLE_HOME/bin directory. - Add the Reports Server to the network configuration file.
Add a line of the following form to ORACLE_HOME/net80/admin/tnsnames.ora:= ( ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL=TCP) (HOST= ) (PORT= ))
whereis the name of the Reports Multi-Tier Server instance. If you are using a sqlnet.ora file and default_domain is specified, remember to fully qualify the Reports Multi-Tier Server TNS name with the default domain. For example, if the default_domain is world, the repserver.world would be a valid TNS name. is the IP-adress or the hostname of the application server machine, and is the port number to which the Reports Multi-Tier Server is listening (such as, 1949). - Start the Reports Multi-tier Server
Run the following command to start the reports server manually.
Rwmts60 -listen name=[minengine= maxengine= initengine= maxidle= ]
You can use Task manager, Processes to ensure that the reports server is running.
4. Stopping the Reports Multi-tier Server
If the listener is running, the Task Manager will display a process called RWMTS60.EXE. Select RWMTS60.EXE and click End Process.
2.2.3 The Reports Server Configuration File
The configuration file specifies runtime parameters for the Reports Multi-tier Server. When the Reports Multi-tier Server is started, it gets a TNS name from the installation or the command line. The server will listen to this TNS address for RPC calls. The server then looks for a file that is named after the TNS name with .ora as the file extension and that is located in the server subdirectory in ORACLE_HOME\REPORT60\SERVER. If the configuration file is not present, a default one is created. Decide for yourself if this file requires modification. Note that your changes only take effect if you restart the Reports Server. Note that because of its importance, you should restrict access to the configuration file.
The format of the configuration file is:
If two servers are running on the same Windows machine, they will have to share the same ORACLE_HOME, REPORTS60_PATH, and REPORTS60_TMP. However, each server listens to a different TNS name and therefore, has a unique configuration file, that can specify different sourcedir, cachedir, and tempdir settings, optionally on different drives. The minengine, maxengine, maxidle, and cachesize settings can be viewed and changed from the queue manager. The queue administrator userid and password can also be changed. The configuration file can be overwritten by the server process when these settings change or when it needs to. Any optional arguments on the command line override the settings in the configuration file.
Some remarks on the syntax in the configuration file: strings must be quoted if they contain spaces, and do not put spaces around the equal sign. (Follow the rules of an Oracle Reports command file.)
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