High Availbility

OS & Virtualization

Friday, November 10, 2006

Data Guard Broker thru CLI

The Data Guard broker is a centralized framework that creates, automates, and manages all aspects of a Data Guard configuration. This broker can be accessed locally or remotely by using either of the two clients: the command-line interface (CLI) or the Data Guard page of the new OEM. Once you are connected, you have the ability to change any attribute of the configuration as well as monitor progress and perform health checks.

The CLI Interface
We need to satisfy a few requirements. First, the physical or logical standby must have been created, as the CLI does not have the ability to create a standby (only the Data Guard GUI does). In addition, both the primary and standby databases must have been started with the DG_BROKER_START parameter equal to True (this spawns the DMON process) and be using an spfile.

init need to add

c:> dgmgrl
DGMGRL> connect sys/password

DGMGRL> create
configuration 'MyDR' as

>primary database is 'orcl1'
>connect identifier is orcl1;

DGMGRL> add database 'orcl2' as
>connect identifier is orcl2
>maintained as physical;

DGMGRL> enable configuration;

DGMGRL> show configuration;

how to change the standby of the physical standby to the read-only mode for reporting purposes
DGMGRL> edit database 'orcl2' set state='READ-ONLY';

To return the physical standby to the recovery mode, we change the state once again.


Use the SHOW DATABASE VERBOSE command to check the state, health, and properties of the primary database, as follows:


Performing a Failover Operation

You invoke a failover operation in response to an emergency situation, usually when the primary database cannot be accessed or is unavailable.

Connect to the target standby database.
To perform the failover operation, you must connect to the standby database to which you want to fail over using the SYSDBA username and password of that database. For example:

DGMGRL> CONNECT sys/oracle@db02

Issue the failover command.
Now you can issue the failover command to make the target standby database the new primary database for the configuration. Note that after the failover completes, the original primary database cannot be used as a viable standby database of the new primary database unless it is re-created as described in Section 4.2. T


Some Data Guard links

Some Rman links

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