High Availbility

OS & Virtualization

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

How to setup Oracle IAS (Application Server) to run Oracle forms/report?

Make sure you have a list of files (xxxx.conf, jinit.exe, icons.jar, icons.cab, xxxx.sig, xxxx.env html files) before you start.

Step 1. Installation of CD (3 in totals)
Install Oracle 10g IAS Core (9.0.4) on Oracle_home1 eg D:\OAS10g
Install Forms Server and Report Server eg D:\Orant
Install forms patchset 13

Step 2. The Configuration files in 10g IAS
Copy 6iserver.conf to %oracle_home%\Apache\Apache\conf;
Modify the parameters to point to forms6i home
Change the oracle_apache.conf to include 6iserver.conf

For Servlet mode only
Modify the files at %oracle_home\Apache\Jserv\Servlets\zone.properities
Modify the httpd.conf, uncomment #
# Include the configuration for Apache JServ 1.1
# include "D:\OAS10g\Apache\Jserv\conf\jserv.conf"

Step 3. The Configuration files in Forms6i
Copy the XXXX.env files to %oracle_home2%\forms60\server
Copy icons.jar, icons.cab, *.jar, *.sig to %oracle_home2%\java
Change the %oracle_home2%\Net80\admin\tnsnames.ora to point to database server
Replace the file jinit.exe at %oracle_home2%\jinit
Modify the file at “%oracle_home%\forms60\server\formsweb.cfg. Change the jinit_classid = clsid….. if the jinit is different

Step 4. The Registry setup
Add the fmx source to the registry key FORMS60_PATH ….;D:\V420
Add the rep source to the registry key REPORTS60_PATH ….;D:\V420

These are just basic steps for setting up IAS. Visit metalink if you need a detail information of how to setup.

These are my sample conf files

Alias /forms60java/ "D:\ORANT\forms60\java/"
Alias /jinitiator/ "D:\ORANT\jinit/"
Alias /dev60temp/ "D:\ORANT\tools\web60\temp/"
Alias /dev60html/ "D:\ORANT\tools\web60\html/"
Alias /jinitiator/ "D:\ORANT\jinit/"
Alias /asp/ "D:\OAS10g\Apache\Apache\hotdocs/"
ScriptAlias /dev60cgi/ "D:\ORANT\bin/"SetEnvIf Request_URL "ifcgi60" ORACLE_HOME=D:\ORANT
AddType video/avi avi
AddType application/x-orarrp rrpa rrpp rrpt rrpr




#New version v420 Release GeO env settingservlet.v420.code=oracle.forms.servlet.ListenerServlet servlet.v420.initArgs=EnvFile=D:\ORANT\forms60\server\v420.env servlet.v420.initArgs=configFileName=D:\ORANT\forms60\server\formsweb.cfg

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