High Availbility

OS & Virtualization

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

export from db where sysaux needs recovery

Whenever sysaux goes to recovery state, you won’t be able to do the exp or expdp. You will get error like ‘not able to read/write sysaux’ datafiles. If you don’t have the archivelog to recover the sysaux, then you can follow below steps to atleast get the exp work. expdp doesn’t work still.

Shutdown immediate;
startup upgrade
shutdown immediate

There you go, your export will work. Pls note, you may have to rebuild to have perfect system.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Importing oracle trusted certificate into oracle wallets

Importing oracle trusted certificate into oracle wallets

I am assuming user is created trusted certificate and hand over to you. As a oracle dba
 you have to import the trusted certificate in the oracle database server.
How to import user trusted certificate into oracle wallets
  1. Create wallet
    1. Syntax: orapki wallet create -wallet
  2. $orapki wallet create -wallet ‘/home/oracle/admin/WALLETS’
    1. Enter password:
    2.  Enter password again:
  3. copy/ftp the user trusted certificate to database server temp location
    1. /tmp/testwallet_ssl.cer
  4. To add a trusted certificate to an Oracle wallet:
    1. Syntax:  orapki wallet add -wallet -trusted_cert -cert
    2. $orapki wallet add -wallet ‘/home/oracle/admin/WALLETS’ -trusted_cert -cert ‘/tmp/testwallet_ssl.cer’
  5. To view an Oracle wallet:
    1.  Syntax:  orapki wallet display -wallet
    2. $orapki wallet display -wallet ‘/home/oracle/product/WALLETS/oracle’

Monday, October 26, 2015

some useful link


Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Getting Started with Docker on Oracle Linux

Learn how to customize a Docker container image and use it to instantiate application instances across different Linux servers. This article describes how to create a Dockerfile, how to allocate runtime resources to containers, and how to establish a communication channel between two containers (for example, between web server and database containers).

Docker containers wrap up a piece of software in a complete filesystem that contains everything it needs to run: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries 


Common Docker commands

 docker info
 docker images
 docker ps -a
List all containers
 docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
 Remove containers
 docker rmi $(docker images)
 Remove images
docker save mynewimage > /tmp/mynewimage.tar
Export images
docker load < /tmp/mynewimage.tar
Import images

docker pull oracle/nosql

Monday, February 16, 2015

Linux Containers

Linux Containers

Linux Containers (LXC) allow running multiple isolated Linux instances (containers) on the same host.

  • Lightweight and resource-friendly
  • Run multiple versions of an operating system on a single server
  • Rapid and Easy deployment

Installing Oracle Linux containers


Installing Oracle on Linux containers


Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Oracle Migration (Windows 10g to Linux 11g ) Using storage move

Oracle Migration (Windows 10g to Linux 11g ) Using storage move.

Describes steps for migration Opera Databases on Windows to  on Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux using Storage Disk copy

Steps in Windows side

1) Check disks and ASM Diskgroups in Windows environment.

select disk_number,name, parth for v$asm_disk;

Check for invalid objects

select owner, count(*) from dba_objects where status='INVALID'
2) Run the 11g pre upgrade script

3) Shutdown database
shutdown immediate

4) Dismount ASM diskgroup
alter diskgroup dismount all;


Steps in Linux side

1) as grid user
oracleasm scandisks
oracleasm listdisks

sqlplus / as sysasm
alter diskgroup DATADG mount;

2) as oracle user
startup mount pfile='/home/oracle/initopera_pre.ora'
alter database open upgrade