High Availbility

OS & Virtualization

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

DB Control Not Starting due to Incorrect Timezone

The Agent does not start because of incorrect time zone.
  1. check ORACLE_HOME/sysman/admin/supportedtzs.lst and ORACLE_HOME/sysman/admin/nsupportedtzs.lst for a correct value on TZ
  2. Comment the line AgentTZRegion="<some value>" in
  3. export TZ=<chosen time zone from step 1>
  4. emctl config agent getTZ
  5. emctl config agent updateTZ
  6. emctl start dbconsole

Note: on 11.1 and higher DB Console, it is enough to run "emctl resettz agent" and then follow the instructions in the output (ie. running th mgmt_target.set_agent_tzrgn procedure) to change or set the correct timezone on the DB Console.


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Manually trigger metric collection in Grid Control

Metric Collection errors are generally down to the following reasons:
  • Configuration Error as described above
  • Temporary Collection Errors
  • Oracle Bugs 
Reevaluating Metric Collections
If you are running a Management Agent Release 10.2, then you can use the following command to perform an immediate reevaluation of a metric collection:
emctl control agent runCollection <targetName>:<targetType> <colletionItemName>
emctl control agent runCollection testdb.us.oracle.com:oracle_database oracle_dbconfig
  1. Run "emctl config agent listtargets" to list all the targets in the agent
  2. Run "emctl control agent runCollection"
  3. Eg : To manually upgrade mgmt$tablespaces

    emctl control agent runCollection testdb.us.oracle.com:oracle_database oracle_dbconfig

Checking scheduler status
> emctl status agent scheduler

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

How to Use a Windows Server 2003 Network File Share as Storage

dThis document describes how to enable and use a Windows Server 2003 Release 2 Server Network File Share (NFS) as the NFS storage repository


  1. Install the Microsoft Services for NFS component using the Add/Remove Windows Components wizard
  2. Select the Microsoft Services for NFS check box and click OK
  3. After installing the Microsoft Services for NFS component, open the Properties page of the folder or drive that you want to share as NFS storage
  4. Select the Share this folder option button.
  5. Type the share name exactly .
  6. Select the Allow anonymous access check box
  7. Click the Permissions button.
  8. On the Type of access, Change the Type of access to Read-Write.
  9. Click OK.
  10. Select the Security tab, add the ANONYMOUS LOGON account, and give it Full Control permission.