High Availbility

OS & Virtualization

Friday, January 05, 2007

Export / Import in Oracle

Export to multiple files

Tip : As of Oracle 8i ,Export file Greater than 2GB is not a problem

exp tables= file= filesize=

C:\>exp sam/dba_pass tables=EMPTEST file=(exp1.dmp,exp2.dmp,exp3.dmp) filesize=1000M

IMPORT from more then one dump file

imp tables= file=(file1.dmp ,file2.dmp...) filesize=

Caution : FILESIZE value in imp should match with FILESIZE value of Export eg in our case 1000M

for eg

C:\>imp sam/dba_pass tables=EMPTEST file=(exp1.dmp,exp2.dmp,exp3.dmp) filesize=1000M ignore=Y